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Family Conversations About Money

Family Conversations About Money

Posted On: January 19, 2021 by First Option Bank in: Financial Wellness, General, Tips & Tricks

Money can be a difficult thing to talk about – but having proactive, honest conversations about money within your family can help reduce stress and improve the financial capability of generations to come. Take this short course to learn more about: Identifying the appropriate family members to include Strategies to make conversations productive How to develop an action plan to create positive financial behaviors CLICK HERE To Learn More
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Tags: Family, Financial Education, Financial Habits, Personal Finance

Debt Management Education

Posted On: January 5, 2021 by First Option Bank in: Financial Wellness, General, Tips & Tricks

Approximately 80% of Americans are in debt – but debt is always a bad thing! Credit cards, student loans, and mortgages are all examples of debt. Learn how to make a plan to manage your debt, with insights around: How to determine how much debt is too much How to calculate your debt-to-income ratio Different strategies to help you pay down debt Reference   CLICK HERE To Learn More
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Tags: Debt, Debt Management, Financial Education, Financial Wellness, Personal Finance

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